How to Calculate Cumulative Sum in Power BI

In this blog, I’ll describe how to calculate a cumulative sum by Product ID in Power BI.Here are step-by-step instructions for calculating a cumulative sum in Power BI using a measure.

Point-1. Import the Sales table from the Data Source

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Point-2. Create a Measure-

In the “Fields” pane, right-click on your table (e.g., “Sales”) and select “New Measure.”

Enter the DAX Formula:

Give your new measure a name (e.g., “Product Cumulative Sales”).

Use the following DAX formula to calculate the cumulative sum:

Product Cumulative Sales = 

Var A= [Sales_] – Sum of sales




        SUMMARIZE(ALL(Sales), Sales[Product ID],

        “revenue”, [Sales_]),




After entering the formula, press Enter to create the measure.

Point-3 Use in Visuals:

Now you can use the “Product Cumulative Sales” measure in your visuals, such as tables, to see the cumulative sum of sales for each Product ID.

Below is the screenshot

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