When we are interacting with data at the decision level, it becomes critical for the dashboards to convey the latest data to the decision makers.
Okay, okay… Let’s have a use case 😊
“You are the decision maker of a marketing company who are planning to launch a new product that is expected to be a pioneer in its segment. Here, marketing manager is heavily dependent over the results of recent marketing campaigns and their impact over the product sales.”
In such cases, looking to the latest data on the dashboards is very important so that sustainable decisions can be made!
While monitoring the dashboards we are facilitated to see the refreshed data on the Power BI visuals using simple refresh features.
Automatic Page Refresh only works with Direct Query connection with the database, where the data can be queried at the set interval of time.
To use Automatic Page Refresh, we can drive towards the any of the report pages in Power BI Desktop and head towards the Formatting section of the visualization pane (paint roller icon). Many formatting settings can be seen there, but we will be focusing towards “Page Refresh”.
(Do Not Forget: The Page refresh card will only be available if you are connected to a DirectQuery source)
Once we click to the page refresh option, a new window will be popped-out to set the refresh settings for the report page.
- Turns page refresh on or off.
- Refresh type
- Inputs and information (depending on refresh type)
While using the auto page refresh, there are two types of refreshes-
- Fixed Interval
- Change Detection
Both the two have separate techniques to serve one common purpose – “Refreshed Data”.
- Fixed Interval
This is a simpler way to directly set-up refresh schedule. By default, the schedule is 30 minutes.
You can also see the refresh details by a click over the “Show Details” button.
These details are sometimes important to look toward the recent refresh activities.
- Change Detection
This one is a little bit different. Here we use some fields from our data in order to make the conditional refreshes to the data. You must be thinking, why is it so???For example, you can want to count distinct count of customer IDs and want to only refresh report when a new customer is added to the list.
We can also access the change detection window from the Modelling tab of the Power BI Desktop ribbon. When we open the change detection window, we are presented with the following sections-
- Measure Type: This is to select whether to use an existing measure or create a new one.
- Choose a calculation: Here we can choose a calculation base.
- Choose a field: Here we can use the existing fields from the data.
- Check for every: Time period for check can be set here.
You can see a new measure with the change detection icon has appeared in the Fields pane.
Now, go back to the page refresh window. You can see the details about the measure being used for change detection and the defined interval for your reference.
This is all about Auto Refreshing Report pages in power Bi.
I hope you must have gained the knowledge out of this blog and make a practice to pin this to your expert visualizing hands.
Happy Learning…
All the best!
Data Analyst
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