In our last blog we have completed the first 3 sections of buildspec.yml file.
We will continue it from here.
3.a) Shell
- It is an optional filed.
- It specifies the supported shell for Linux or Windows operating systems.
- For Linux, supported shell tags are
- Bash
- /bin/bash
- For Windows, supported shell tags are
- Powershell.exe
- Cmd.exe
3.b) Variables
- If env is specified then variables is mandatorily required filed.
- It is specified as key-pair values
- Each mapping represents a single custom environment variable in plain text.
3.c) Parameter-store.
- If env is specified then parameter-store is a required field.
- It is used to retrieve the custom environment variables stored in Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store.
3.d) Secrets-Manager
- If env is specified then this field is mandatory
- It is used to retrieve the custom environment variable stored in AWS Secrets Manager in the following pattern :
<key>: <secret-id>:<json-key>:<version-stage>:<version-id>
3.e) Exported-variable
- It is an optional filed
- It is used to list the environment variables you want to export.
- The variable that needs to exported shall be available in the container during the build.
3.f) Git-credential-helper
- It is an optional field
- This filed is used to provide Git Credentials. If used, specify ‘yes’ if not then ‘no’.
1. Proxy.
- It is an optional filed.
- It is used to represent the settings if you run the build in an explicit proxy server.
- If we want your build in explicit proxy serve to upload artifacts then use proxy/upload-artifacts.
- If you want your build in an explicit proxy server to create logs then use proxy/logs.
2. Phases.
- It is a required field.
- It specifies the commands you want to run during each phase.
- Following are the phases :
- Install
- Pre_build
- Build
- Post_build
- Artifacts.
- Each phase has following sections.
- Run-as
- On-failure
- Runtime-versions
- Commands
- Finally
- Run-as : It specifies the Linus User name that the build commands should run during the respective phase.
- On-Failure : It can have only 2 values – Abort / Continue. It defines the behaviour for the respective phase. It can be set to either abort the entire build or continue to next phase.
- Runtime-versions: It specifies the runtime versions for different programming languages or tools.
- Commands : It contains the commands that needs to be executed in the respective phase.
- Finally : It specifies commands that run regardless of success or failure of the preceding commands in the respective phase.
3. Reports:
- It is an optional field
- It specifies the report group where the reports are sent to.
- One project can have at the most 5 report groups.
- It has following sections:
- Report-group-name-or-arn : It specifies the name or ARN of report group
- Files : It contains a list of files that should be included in the report. These files typically contain the test results or other relevant information.
- Base-directory : It specifies the base directory for the file locations. The paths specified in the files section are relative to this base directory. It helps organize and streamline the paths provided in the files list.
- Discard-paths : It determines whether to discard the directory structure of the file locations when generating the report. It can take values ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
- File-format : It specifies the format of the report. This could be the format in which the report is generated. The report-format could be a standard format such as JUnitXml or any other format supported by AWS CodeBuild.
4. Artifacts.
- It is an optional sequence.
- It specifies where the output of the build shall be saved.
- We can save it at locations like S3 Bucket, Docker Hub, ECR, etc.
- If artifacts section is used then following fields shall be specified.
- Artifacts/files :
- It is a required field.
- It represents the location that contain the build output artifacts in the build environment.
- It can include the following :
- A single file
- A single file in sub-directory
- ‘**/*’ : for all files recursively
- Sub-directory/* : for all file sin sub-directory
- Sub-directory/**/* : for all files in sub-directory recursively.
- Artifacts/name:
- It is an optional filed.
- It specifies the name of the build artifact.
- Artifact/discard-paths:
- It is an optional field.
- If not specified then it is considered as ‘NO’
- If specified ‘YES’, then the build artifact will be flattened in the output.
- Eg : if a path to a file in the build output artifact is com/mycompany/app/, specifying yes will place this file in /
- Artifacts/base-directory:
- It is an optional field.
- It tells the building tool where to start looking for files to include in the final result (artifact).
- Its like giving directions to find specific things in a messy room, starting from a certain corner.
- Artifacts/exclude-paths:
- It specifies the directories or files that should be left out from the artifact.
- It is an optional field.
- Artifacts/enable-symlinks:
- It is an optional field.
- It specifies whether symbolic links should be included in the artifact or not.
- It can take the values ‘true’ or ‘false’
- Artifacts/S3-prefix:
- It is an optional filed.
- It is used when the S3 bucket is used to save the artifacts.
- Artifacts/secondary-artifacts:
- It is an optional filed.
- It is used to specify the additional set of artifacts (other than primary artifact).
- Artifacts/files :
5. Cache:
- It is used to configure the caching options during the build process.
- It involves storing certain dependencies or intermediate build artifacts to speed up the subsequent builds by avoiding redundant work.
- Cache/paths:
- It is used to specify the directories or files that should be cached during the process.
- If used cache section, this field becomes mandatory.
- Cache/paths: