“Publish to Web” was a very useful functionality for many Power BI users who are work with not-sensitive data and want to share reports with large audience at no cost.
Recently Power Bi rolled out a new security feature which enables the Power Bi Admin to restrict other users from using the “Publish to Web” feature which was previously enabled by default.
If your current user does not have permission to create new embed codes, you will receive the following message when you try to publish using the publish to web feature.
By Default, this new permission does not affect the existing codes in use but now you also have the option to disable all the existing codes.
These permissions can be given to all the users in the organization or to specific security groups.
The Admin now has the ability to
- Allow existing or new creation of embed codes
- Allow only existing codes
- Disable publish to web
Selecting “Allow existing or new creation of embed codes” will keep the old web links active & will also allow users to create new web links.
Selecting “Allow only existing codes” will keep the old web links but will not allow creation of new links.
Another option available is to “Disable publish to web”. It can be used to disable creation of new links & also to disable all the existing codes which may already be in use.
The following steps will enable creation of new web links:
Step 1: Login into the Administrator Power Bi Account
Step 2: Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner and navigate to “Admin Portal”
Step 3: Go to Tenant Settings
Step 4: Under “Export and Sharing settings”, select “Allow existing and new codes”. Click on Apply
Here’s a quick guide to Disable existing web links & creation of new web links:
Step 1: Go to Tenant settings
Step 2: Unselect the “Enabled” button. Click on Apply.
These permissions can be given to an entire organization or a particular security groups.
If you don’t see the “Tenant settings” in the Admin portal, you will either need to log in with the administrator account or convert your current account to the administrator account.