Packaging Machinery Supplier

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Customer Success: Packaging Machinery Supplier

Addend Analytics enables a packaging solution company based in Denmark to increase its operational efficiency and revenue using Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate

About the company:

The company has been a steady provider of packing solutions to the industry all over Europe since 1995. They count their clients from various segments of the industries like pharmaceutical, healthcare, food, and cosmetics. They are more recognized uniquely for building production lines or units for tablet counting, liquid filling, automatic placement machines and packaging solutions.

Business Challenge:

The client has their fleet of field service technicians serving across the different regions for repair and maintenance tasks. During their course of work, it was advisable for the field workers to capture their time of client visit. However, they would often forget to log their timings accurately. The failure to mark the timings in absence of any system would create problems in the schedules later. It also resulted in logging in a lesser number of hours, thereby resulting in revenue loss for the client.


To fix the problem, the Addend Analytics team introduced automation in their operations. The client was using excel as their official log, which was replaced by the digitized platform. With this, the need for manual entry into the excel log was eliminated and substituted by automation using Microsoft Power App and Power Automate.

Technology Used:

Addend Analytics used Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate, reinforcing its presence as a strong emerging leader in data analytics and business solution.

Post Go-live:

The client successfully went live with the new platform around April 2021.

In just a few days, the client could resolve their everyday complications related to the field operations which directly resulted in the elimination of the revenue losses by 20%.

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