Generating Rows with Data in SQL: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of SQL, generating a specific number of rows with data can be a common requirement, especially for solving problems, testing purposes, or when populating tables with sample data. In this blog post, we’ll explore various methods to achieve this task efficiently. Additionally, we’ll include a column in the generated data to indicate the row count, providing a useful reference for analysis.

Method 1: Using Recursive CTEs

One way to generate rows with a sequential row count is by utilizing a recursive Common Table Expression (CTE). The following example demonstrates this approach

Generating Rows with Data in SQL - A Comprehensive Guide - Addend Analytics

This query will generate 10 rows with a column named ‘RowCount’ containing values from 1 to 10. Adjust the WHERE clause in the recursive part to control the number of rows generated.

Method 2: Utilizing the ROW_NUMBER() Window Function with Generate series

Another approach involves using the ROW_NUMBER() window function to generate sequential row numbers. Here’s an example

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The ROW_NUMBER () function is used to assign a unique row number to each row.

ORDER BY (SELECT NULL) is used as a placeholder for an arbitrary ordering, ensuring that the row numbers are assigned in an arbitrary but consistent order.

GENERATE_SERIES (1, 10) generates a series of integers from 1 to 10, creating the desired number of rows.

Note: GENERATE_SERIES function is available only when the compatibility level of a database is set to 160


Generating a specific number of rows with data in SQL, accompanied by a row count column, can be accomplished using various methods. The recursive CTE and ROW_NUMBER() window functions are just two examples of the many possibilities. Depending on your specific requirements and the SQL database system you’re working with, you may choose the method that best fits your needs. Experiment with these techniques and adapt them to your scenarios for efficient data generation in SQL.

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