Connecting Power BI with Google Analytics in Power BI Desktop & Adding Google Analytics Template App into Power BI Service

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Hi, In this blog I am writing about integrating a power bi with a Google Analytics account in power bi desktop as well as power bi service.

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool offered by Google to help you analyze your website traffic. It is a free tool that can help you track your digital marketing effectiveness.

Google Analytics puts several lines of tracking code into the code of your website. The code records various activities of your users when they visit your website, along with the attributes (such as age, gender, interests) of those users. It then sends all that information to the Google Analytics server once the user exits your website.

Next, Google Analytics aggregates the data collected from your website in multiple ways. It is tracking website visitor behavior, such as the number of unique page visits, time spent browsing a site, and geographic location of customers. It enables digital marketing teams to gain insights into their audience’s navigation behavior and preferred ways of interacting with content. But Google Analytics doesn’t offer a lot of analytic tools for connecting marketing data to data from other parts of the company, or to external data trends that are influencing the marketplace.

Power BI is very useful here. With Power BI you can compare web performance data in Google Analytics to data brought in from other sources, internal and external.

Connecting Power BI Desktop with Google Analytics

  1. Launch Power BI desktop , click Get Data


2. Click  More from drop-down menu

3. In the Get Data window, select Online Services. From the list, click Google Analytics and click Connect.


4. Read the information and click Continue.

5. Click Accept in the dialogue box for the permission of the Power BI Desktop to connect to Google Analytics data.


6. Once you signed in, you can click Connect to load Google Analytics data to Power BI Desktop.

7. Power BI Desktop loads data and you can start working on it to create the reports.

Connecting Power BI Service with Google Analytics

In Power BI Service, you can connect to the Google Analytics content pack.

  1. Select Get Data in left navigation pane

2. Click Get in Services box.

3. From the menu, select Google Analytics content pack/template app and connect.
4. Enter Google Account, Property, and other details you want to connect
5. Sign in with Google Analytics credentials


6. Click Accept to connect Power BI with GA


7. It will take some time to import. Once it is imported, you can see a new report or dashboard in the Power BI service


Praisy Joy
Data Analyst
Addend Analytics

Addend Analytics is a Microsoft Gold Partner based in Mumbai, India, and a branch office in the U.S.

Addend has successfully implemented 100+ Microsoft Power BI and Business Central projects for 100+ clients across sectors like Financial Services, Banking, Insurance, Retail, Sales, Manufacturing, Real estate, Logistics, and Healthcare in countries like the US, Europe, Switzerland, and Australia.

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