Why Choose Addend Analytics for Your GP to Business Central Migration

Transitioning enterprise accounting systems proves no small undertaking, wrought with technical and operational disruptions if not handled expertly.

Yet dynamically growing companies who properly embark on modernizing financials and apps via a platform like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central stand to gain immense efficiency and insights.

The imperative becomes selecting the premier migration partner promising seamless data continuity, optimized functionality alignment, and responsive support, establishing your ideal tech stack backbone for scaling.

With over 15 years dedicated to migrating GP users to Dynamics cloud solutions, Addend Analytics is the definitive expert guiding organizations to operational excellence through transformative BC architecture.

By examining Addend’s migration methodology, customer success outlook, and cloud competency certifications, this post presents the 360 business case for entrusting your growth to the leading firm future-proofing companies through centralized cloud financials. The GP exodus escalates – ensure it leads your empire to elevation by securing Addend for the journey.

Addend Analytics: Your Trusted Migration Partner

Boasting Microsoft’s prestigious Gold Partner status for over a decade plus hoisting Dynamics 365 Business Central Cloud Solution Provider of the Year awards for consecutive years, Addend Analytics stays at the cutting edge of ERP modernization.

Let’s showcase why 200+ clients bet their financial futures on Addend’s GP to BC migrations:

Unmatched Dynamics Mastery

With consulting roots tracing back to the first Dynamics AX installations in 1995, we’ve deepened legacy dynamics knowledge and cloud implementation expertise through every version.

Addend’s team, averaging 10+ years solely focused on Microsoft migrations, brings elite acumen in transitioning data and functionality to modern BI-optimized architectures.

Rave Reviews from Enterprises to Startups

“Addend’s professionalism and diligence through each migration milestone impressed across departments,” says Pete, F&B leader at national grocery chain Migros. “Six months post-go-live, we’re already processing double online orders thanks to flexible BC customs.”

“Our linear accounting experience couldn’t handle ecommerce complexity,” recalls VC-backed startup Allow CEO Alina. “Now, with Addend’s BC guidance, we’re enterprise-ready for acquisition with customer insights no spreadsheet juggling ever revealed before.”

Proven Partner for Long-Term Growth Trajectories

Addend stands out from temporary project partners by including ongoing training, monitoring, and tech adoption guidance, ensuring lasting success.

“My analysts became productivity power users once Addend’s advisors deep-dived Dynamics intricacies with us,” exclaims Habib, F500 media conglomerate controller. “I continue relying on them to maximize our return on investment.”

Understanding Business Central Inside Out

While integrating any platform promises benefits, only expert navigation unlocks its full potential. Here’s how Addend Analytics maximizes Business Central’s breadth based on unparalleled insider comprehension:

Reading Between the Code

Whether tackling manufacturing module customization or building automated cash flow forecasts, Addend consultants leverage decades of dynamics fluency to detect functional possibilities others overlook. They strategically forge platforms matching each client’s growth goals through tailored architecture alignments beyond surface personalizations.

App Exploration & Innovation

Addend doesn’t just replicate historical GP processes in BC but rethinks forward-focused workflows. “They opened our eyes to inventory optimization apps we didn’t know existed,” notes Sabine, European distributor COO. “We’re now considering IoT feeds to trigger automatic reorders since BC offers far more scalability than our outdated processes.”

Migrating for M&A Agility

When private equity firm Helia needed an analytics foundation facilitating quick company integration, Addend designed a nimble holding corporation blueprint within BC to allow financial visibility across acquired brands for accelerated decision-making.

Harvesting Industry Insights

Thanks to its longevity serving manufacturing, retail, and distribution verticals, Addend applies niche operational understanding into dynamic deployments, elevating enterprise functionality beyond basic accounting.

Expect savvyTOL customizations around trade promotion budgeting, serialized inventory, or WMS analytics particular to your industry fueling intelligent growth.

Through globe-spanning experience unleashingBC’s full business power, Addend ultimately lets leading organizations execute at the peak of their potential. Learn what award-winning ingenuity could unlock for your ambitious objectives!

A Proven Track Record

Boasting a 99% client retention score over 200+ projects, Addend navigates tricky transitions with consistent success through:

Methodical Precision

Following a 6-step methodology spanning assessment, design, data migration, testing, training, and support, Addend expertly coordinates company-wide adoptions with minimal downtime before, during, and after go-lives.

Their robust templates facilitate customizations aligned to specific operational priorities.

Overcoming Data Depth

With a 120GB database and over 100 cost centers to transition for national healthcare provider Halia, Addend consultants crafted automated migration tools to transfer decades of transactional history into BC under budget securely.

“I don’t know how they consolidated so much complexity so smoothly, but we’re already extending use cases thanks to flexible visibility,” notes Halia CEO Hassan.

User Adoption Victories

Clients are initially hesitant to abandon GP fully embraced Business Central post-implementation thanks to Addend’s intuitive change management and onsite support directing employees.

“Their trainers knew every pain point users might meet yet had a solution prepared whether easing accounting or complicated quality control processes,” remembers processor plant quality manager Quincy. “They made adoption enjoyable since efficiency felt effortless.”

Addend delivers an unparalleled procedural potency by concentrating exclusively on Microsoft migrations for almost 20 years. They’ve seen every legacy system challenge yet consciously build BC platforms so configurable that scaling feels frictionless. Expect aerial agility to take flight from a tailored transformation via Addend’s conductors.

The Addend Analytics Approach

Rather than force-fitting skepticism-inducing change, Addend earnestly guides organizations into operational excellence through a phased migration approach:

  • Evaluating Current State: Addend firstly audits legacy architecture pluses and limitation pain points to identify where future systems require enhancement. They additionally profile workflows and personnel to map needs.
  • Mapping Future Objectives: Next, they collaboratively build business-specific functional blueprints factoring expansion goals, compliance needs, forthcoming M&As, and more to create lively BC environments growing alongside enterprises years beyond implementation.
  • Data Migration Strategy: Addend designs bidirectional conversions, migrating historical data into new structures while retaining accessibility to the past. Gradual data transition allows testing and troubleshooting before full cutovers.
  • Dual System Syncing: Addend configures bidirectional syncing across platforms during migration, allowing teams to operate business as usual while new ERP depth develops. This reduces risk while ironing out processes.
  • Personalized Training: Each user undergoes heavy hands-on dynamics training specific to their daily procedures long before the go-live launch. Addend’s experts patiently coach all personnel, from accounting controllers to warehouse floor leads, until confidence reigns.
  • Responsive Launch Support: During those first weeks adjusting to upgraded environments, Addend consultants remain onsite resolving any adoption obstacles. They also return 30/60/90 days post-launch to evaluate successes and reinforce ROI.

With strategic alignment at its core, Addend significantly smooths transitions by championing capability transfer over quick exits. Expect assured adoption, guiding enterprises to higher operational altitudes through stable measured methodology.

Unmatched Support and Training

Unlike temporary project partners departing shortly after launch, Addend remains dedicated to amplifying capability and optimizing investments long after implementation, including:

Tiered Technical Resources

They offer unlimited email/chat access to their helpdesk for prompt personal assistance in troubleshooting report errors to workflow inquiries. For complex challenges, clients directly schedule virtual sessions with senior consultants to diagnose deeper – no opaque ticket transfer runarounds!

Level Up Webinars

Addend’s specialists host monthly best practice webinars to circumvent knowledge atrophy, spotlighting creative features and elevating system leverage.

Expect pointers on maximizing inventory with consignments, harnessing SSRS to build automated sales dashboards, and more niche power user topics promoting provocative thought.

Legacy Lifelines

Even years later, sudden business spikes may require temporarily tapping historical data. No worries – Addend sustains dynamic links to bygone GP, allowing emergency access without migration do-overs. Consider them your lifetime legacy safety net.

Partnering For Potential

Unlike the stereotypical vendor churn post-project, Addend proactively monitors political/tech developments impacting operational efficiency to recommend beneficial system adaptations, added apps, and more, ensuring investments sustain relevance amidst digital change. Think of them as a CTO-as-a-Service for change management.

By choosing Addend as your migration maestro, then trusted advisor nurturing lasting success, expect amplified positive outcomes modulated to your tempo. Let addend help compose operational harmony as the bedrock of business prosperity no short-term contractor ever could.

Final Words

As next-generation platforms like Business Central woo enterprises crave elevated insights and efficiency, the benefits of migrating from legacy on-prem systems substantiate – if appropriately undertaken.

Between juggling data continuity, rethinking optimized processes, facilitating organizational adoption, and averting productivity pitfalls, the partnership selected steers between smooth skies and turbulent delays.

With industry luminaries like Nucleus recognizing Addend Analytics as the definitive GP migration specialist based on their strategic rigor, responsive support, and successful value enhancement delivered to 200+ clients thus far, they exceed typical vendor criteria.

Addend promises precision navigation for growth-focused organizations ready to transform finance and operations via robust cloud architecture, seeing enterprises beyond status quo limitations. The destination awaits those who are discontent with the status quo – let Addend captain your journey to new competitive horizons through Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Addend Analytics is a Microsoft Gold Partner based in Mumbai, India, and a branch office in the U.S.

Addend has successfully implemented 100+ Microsoft Power BI and Business Central projects for 100+ clients across sectors like Financial Services, Banking, Insurance, Retail, Sales, Manufacturing, Real estate, Logistics, and Healthcare in countries like the US, Europe, Switzerland, and Australia.

Get a free consultation now by emailing us or contacting us.