Download Standard Source Code for APIs in Business Central

A very common requirement that we face very often is “To extend the base APIs”. With Business Central you can create Connect apps. Connect apps establish a point-to-point connection between Dynamics 365 Business Central and a 3rd party solution or service and is typically created using standard REST API to interchange data. Business Central has many standard APIs available.

But these may not fully satisfy customer needs and you may need some customizations, However the standard APIs in Business central are not customizable. Instead, you will have to create a new API by adding the page object.

Since these API’s cannot be extended, you will have to create an API that works exactly like the standard API along with the additional functionality that you have to customize. To achieve this the most important part will be the access to the source code of those standard APIs. Unlike other objects, the source code for API is not directly available when you download the symbol files. you will need another method to download the source code.

The simplest way to achieve this is Using “dependencies” property in app.json file.

You will need the information of required extensions.

1) Here is the example of API v1.0 and API v2.0

2) Once this code is added to app.json file in visual studio, you have to download symbols for the API source code to be visible in the folder.

3) Once the symbols are downloaded, you can the find the app files for the API in the folder.

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4) Now you will be able to see the source code for the standard APIs

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