How To Change File Location Using Query Parameter In Power BI?

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Hi all, I’m writing this blog on changing file location in power bi using query parameters.

This is very helpful when we are working with a person who is not a part of our company. For ex, I created one report in power bi and sent it to one other team member (client). If he experiences any problem with data, he needs to open power query editor. But it may show an error like given below:

It is because, I used a text file which is located in my desktop. The other team members don’t have access to it. Then to continue with this, he/she wants to change the location if the data is available in their desktop. It allows them to view the data. But the problem still exist, if he/she send back the report to me. After sending back it, when I open the file, I will see the same error. So I need to change the data source again.

The solution for this problem is to create a parameter . You can add all the locations here and it will appear in the dropdown, and you can change the location easily.

How to create it?

  1. Go to Manage Parameters and select New Parameter.

2. In Manage Parameters window, you can give any name in Name field as you like.
3. Select List of values in Suggested Values field.

4. Once you select List of values, the field will appear to enter different sources.
5. You can add all file locations that you want to use in this list.

6. Now whoever is working on the report, they can change the file location to their desktop.

Praisy Joy
Data Analyst
Addend Analytics

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