How To Create a Folder In Measures Table

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Measures are an integral part of our report and it add values to efficient interpretation of data. So, when we create these measures in our report, we keep them under one roof, which means that we create a measures table for keeping them all together at one place.
Let’s see how it looks like when we create a lot of measures belonging to multiple reports/calculations.

This creates an ambiguity when we are required to use those measures in a visual and we are searching for them all around the measure’s table!!!

This is why creating a folder under the measure table is important, so that one can easily distinguish between the relevance of measures with reports to the display elements.

It is always preferred to create a separate measure table rather than keeping them in many tables. We can have a defined folder related to a particular group for example like a “Sales” folder or “Vendor” folder.

Here is how to create such folders in a measure’s table: –

  1. Go to the Model View and in the measures table choose the measures which you want to group together in a folder.
  2. Now, while keeping the measures selected, open the Properties pane which is at the left of the Fields
  1. Here in the Properties pane, you can see “Display Folder” sub-section under General
  2. Keeping Measures selected, write the name of the folder in “Display Folder” that you desire to create for the selected measures and then press Enter.
    For example, I have created “Sales” for Measure1, Measure2, and Measure3.

  3. As you press enter a folder will be created in the measure’s table named as “____” that you have provided in properties pane.

Similarly, you can create the folders for rest of the measures that you want to separate for ease of use.

This is going to simplify your process of selection for the right measures for the right report or purpose.
All the best!

Rajeshwari Sharma
Data Analyst
Addend Analytics

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