Hi there! If you are a complete beginner to Paginated Reporting concepts and want to explore data migration. You have marked your footprint exactly at the right place. In this blog, I am going to help you to discover the RDL Migration to PowerBI.
Report Definition Language or RDL is a file extension of Paginated Reports. In order to create one, you will be required to use PBI Report Builder. You can read about it from blogs on how to create one. Well, Here we have a Paginated report ready. And we are going to migrate it to PBI.
Before we begin, I want to clarify that We will require a Premium Workspace to proceed with the same.
Step1. Open your PBI Service and Navigate to your Profile in the top right. You will observe that I have a Pro Licence. Below which we have the option to start a trial for Premium per User. Hit on the same
Start your free trial
Fill in the necessary details below:
And you are good to go with the window pop-up as shown below:
Observe that you are in your trial which is available for 60 Days
Step 2: Create a Premium Workspace. Go to Workspace in the Left bottom and create a new one.
Give a suitable name to your workspace and then choose license mode as Premium Per User
You can choose the type of dataset you will require. In my case – I have a small one for trial. Observe that you have successfully created your Premium Workspace. It will appear with a diamond icon as shown in blue below:
Step 3: Navigate to the New button and click upload a new file.
Here I am choosing to have an RDL File present in my PC > File > Local File
Observe what PBI has to say. Success! Paginated Report uploaded.
SSRS or PBI Report Builder has the complete same interface to offer. Whenever you save your file. It will be an RDL file which you can further term a Paginated Report.
Observe that you have Data Source Credentials Under the Report Tab. Demo1 is the name of the Data Source and next to it is a cross sign which means it is not configured. Hit on Edit credentials
And configure it if necessary.
Observe your Report in PowerBI Environment.
You can further choose to edit it and work around it.
And this is how we have accomplished a successful manual migration of the RDL File to PowerBI.
Cheerio! Hope you had great learning!
Thank you for Reading!
Raksha Gangwal
Data Enthusiast